
Lubbock Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

CITY OF O'DONNELL: City Hall Closed To The Public With Access Granted By Appointment Only


City of O'Donnell issued the following announcement on Nov. 18.

Effective immediately until further notice

City Hall is closed to the public with access granted by appointment only.  City Employees will remain available to respond to questions and inquires by phone (806)428-3239 or by email odonnellcity@poka.com.  

For public meetings such as the City Council Meetings or Citizens Advisory Committee Meetings only City Council Members, employees and designated official will be permitted in the building in order to observe social distancing.  The public is encouraged to attend by teleconference.  Conference number and access codes are published with the agenda.

There are several options for making payment for City Services:

1) By phone with a debit/credit card.  Please call City Hall during regular office hours Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm

2) By mail to City of O'Donnell, 615 8th St, O'Donnell, TX 79351.  (if post marked by 11/17/20 late fee will be waived)

3.  By Drop Off - there is a drop box slot in the wooden door of City Hall.  You will need to open the glass storm door to access it.

4.  Online using official payments:  www.officialpayments.com

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.  If all goes well, we hope to have a drive thru window available by mid-December. 

Original source can be found here.